The Dionisia Rola Art Collection at Hanas Gallery
Dionisia Rola Art Collection can be viewed at the Hanas Gallery of the University of the Philippines Visayas Museum of Art and Cultural Heritage (UPV MACH).
The Hanas Gallery of UPV MACH has put on display another set of rare paintings from the collection of Dr. Dionisia Rola. Among the works on exhibit are those by National Artists like Ang Kiukok, Carlos “Botong” Francisco, José T. Joya, and Arturo Luz.
Also masterpieces by Manuel D. Baldemor, Mauro Malang Santos, Romulo Olazo, and Manuel Rodriguez, Sr. Norberto Carating, Virginia Flor-Agbayani, Solomon Saprid, Philipp Badon, Jonah Salvosa, Esther Bailey, and Manene.
The exhibit also has earlier works by Alan Cabalfin, Nelson Ferraris, Nelfa Querubin, Ed Defensor, Joseph Decierdo, Edsel Moscoso, Edgar J. Gonzales, and JM Castociano.

The Dionisia Rola Art Collection is composed of artworks that she bequeathed to UP Visayas in 1997 and in 2019, respectively.
In commemoration of Dr. Rola’s 100th birthday in 2020, the UP Visayas Gallery introduced selected works from the collection, composed of 43 paintings, prints, and sculptures, in the show entitled Choiced at the Taliambong Gallery.
It also showed another set of selected works in the exhibit Leading Lights at Hanas Gallery.
The third episode is entitled Ginhúptan Collectors Series, presented as part of UP Visayas’ 115th Foundation Day Anniversary.
Ginhúptan is from the Hiligaynon root word hupút, which means to take care of, to preserve, and to maintain. The word best describe the work of art collectors for they are people who care for and preserve art and artifacts for pleasure and for posterity.
Moreover, the Ginhúptan Collectors Series is also an initiative of the UPV MACH to share with the public the various private collections of UP alumni and supporters of the museum.
The exhibit is curated by Prof. Martin Genodepa, director of the UPV Office of Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (OICA).

Dr. Dionisia A. Rola (b. November 1, 1920) is a trailblazer in more ways than one.
She was one of the initial faculty members deployed to the newly opened UP Iloilo in 1947. Led by Dean Tomas Fonacier, the pioneers called themselves T(h)omasites, referencing the group of 600 American teachers who came to the Philippines aboard USS Tomas in 1901.
Also see: UP Visayas Museum Complex: From Ayuntamiento to Galería de Arte
During her deanship of UP Baguio (1967-1970), she enlarged the arts festival, which was started by her predecessor, to the National Arts Festival, and it became the hallmark of her administration.
The festival drew musicians and visual artists who later became big names in Philippine art.
When she became the Dean of UP College Iloilo in 1975, she established the Visayan Studies Program, which is now the Center for West Visayan Studies, the first local studies center in the region.
Chancellor Rola was also instrumental in the establishment of UP Visayas and became its first Chancellor.
The UPV Art Gallery, which opened in 1985 at the back of the old Little Theater, was her brainchild. Converting the Main Building into a cultural center was also her dream.
She likewise brought excitement to the cultural life of Iloilo by supporting the summer art workshops, which started in 1975 and were conducted by then-UP Fine Arts Dean Jose Joya.
Hanas Gallery has featured Kasikas: The Visayas Exhibition of Bagong Biswal
Additionally, she facilitated the holding of art exhibitions by artists on the roster of the now-defunct Galerie Dominique, owned by Ilongga Nikki Coseteng, who later served as a senator in the Philippine Senate.
Dr. Rola showed her encouragement to the local artists by buying their works that were shown in makeshift exhibition spaces either in UP or elsewhere in the city. Several of her personal purchases were intended for the university.
The artwork in her personal collection dates from the 1960s to the early 2000s.
Chancellor Rola’s support for struggling or established artists never waned and continued even after her retirement from UP Visayas.
Likewise, several artists, colleagues, and student groups gifted her with artwork as expressions of their admiration and respect for Chancellor Rola.
In 1997, Chancellor Rola bequeathed to UP Visayas over 50 pieces of her personal collection of paintings, prints, and drawings. In her speech during the first exhibition of the donation, she self-effacingly stressed that she never thought of herself as an art collector; instead, she considered herself a steward, thus making the donation an act of turning over the stewardship to a new custodian.
In 2019, Chancellor Rola gifted the university again with some of her art possessions.
The artworks that make up Chancellor Rola’s personal collection testify to her visionary passion, her great heart, and her noble soul.
Hanas Gallery
The Hanas Gallery is located inside Lantip Gallery, left wing of UPV MACH. The gallery is at the mezzanine which can be accessed though a narrow wooden stairs.
Hanas is a Hiligaynon word which means well-trained and skillful.
I came across your article and found out that one of the painting was made by me (JM Castociano) when i was a student at UP Iloilo. When i was receiving my diploma from Dean Rola in 1980 she said: “keep on painting”. Sadly i stopped painting after that. Then a few years ago i started painting again. Looking at my old painting, i saw my younger self in a very clear way and how different i am now since i only paint abstract. Thank you so much for the article about Dean Rola. She has done a lot to encourage art at school with on the spot painting contest and the creation of Student Artist Society.
I’m happy that you have taken a closer look at the collection of Dean Rola which includes your masterpiece as a young artist. Your work is now part of the valuable collection of UPV MACH, exhibited to inspire young artists of Iloilo’s rich artistic tradition catalyzed by Dean Rola. You should pay a visit when you’re in Iloilo.